John Muir Quotes
The Web's most complete collection of John Muir's thoughts about God and the spiritual aspects of nature.
Yosemite.CA.US has a great collection of John Muir resources at including

Selected Passages by John Muir

Articles by John Muir

Books by John Muir

We provide the complete text of each book in HTML, organized by chapter, usually with the original illustrations. The following list is arranged by date of first publication.

Further Information

  • For further information on on the life of John Muir, please see the Sierra Club?s John Muir Exhibit, created by Harold Wood, Harvey Chinn, Dan Anderson, and others.
  • For further historical books and photographs on Yosemite, See the Yosemite Online Library.

Maybe the best collection of John Muir's books is to be found at the Sierra Club site.  These can be found at